The web site of longtran-thien

My Pong Project

About My Art

My art is a music based pong game where the game takes place on a music sheet

I had really no idea what to make for this game so I thought I would make something

that I like, music. Music has been a part of my life since i was little.

Making it into a game was kind of fun, making ideas for what to do for the animation and

how it would look like all together. I had a good idea what my game would look like when

I had to make this. Really playing guitar ever since i was little helped me make this and

I have to say I like how my idea came out to be like. I'm just can't waiting how good my game will

be once its finished.

My Pong Art

Animmations That Happens in My Pong

Click here to play my pong game!!!